Report Template Editor

Creating a new Report Template: 
Click the 'Create New Template' button to start a new template. Templates are created from either the default template or another existing template. To use an existing template as the starting point for the new template, first select the template to copy from the 'Report Template Name' selection (drop-down) box. 

Editing a Report Template: 
Select the report template to edit from the 'Report Template Name' selection (drop-down) box.  Any other selections made on the form and saved will apply to the selected template only.

Report Template Settings:

Included Sections:  

These are the same defaults that will appear on the 'Start New Inspection' form. Check off the report sections and file inserts that will be included by default when you start a new inspection. File inserts begin with 'File' and have a '.docx' extension. To set the location (file name) of an insert, first select the insert then click the 'Browse File' button to find the MS Word document to be inserted. 

Report Order:  

This setting sets the order of the written report sections and file inserts in the document. Re-order the sections by selecting the section to move and clicking the 'Up' or 'Down' arrows until the required order is achieved. Click the 'Section Order' button to save this setting. *Note this does not change the order that the forms will appear - this can be set separately with the Form Order setting.

Form Order:  

This setting sets the order that the forms will appear as you click the 'back' and 'next' buttons to move through the inspection. Re-order the forms by selecting the form to move and clicking the 'Up' or 'Down' arrows until the required order is achieved. Click the 'Form Order' button to save this setting. *Note this does not change the order that the sections will appear in the written document - this can be set separately with the Report Order setting.

Hide Info:  

Use this setting to remove or show sections or file inserts from the 'Start New Inspection' form and the 'Included Sections'  tab of this form. If there are file inserts or sections that you will never use on an inspection, de-select the section here. Also, there is information duplicated on some of the forms, so you will want to ensure that you wont need to fill out the same information more than once. For instance, the information included on the 'Structure' and 'Insulation' forms is also included on the 'Attic' and 'Crawlspace' forms, so select one pair depending on your preferences.  


The title of each section or file insert will be written as a heading at the beginning of each section as the document is written. Click on the list of sections or inserts to edit the title. If you do not want to use headings in the report, select 'NO HEADING' for each section where you do not want the heading or title to appear. Check Titles Settings for more information on this topic.

Disclaimer Help:  

To use disclaimers on each section of the report that is written, check off the 'Insert Section Disclaimers' check box and select the appropriate 'Section Disclaimer Type' . These text for these disclaimers can be customized. Check Section Disclaimer Settings for more information on this topic.

Also, the program is configured to link each form to the related section of the help file. Select the appropriate 'Link Help Standards' to link to the written standards for the selected association. Whenever an input form is open, click the 'Help' (?) icon to open the linked help file to the current section for quick reference.

Related Topics:

Using Report Templates
Main Program Settings 
Section Disclaimer Settings
Titles Settings
Using Document Inserts