Report Formatting Tools

The following tools for formatting the inspection report are available on the main menu and toolbar. (See Program Settings for more information on other report formatting features.) Many of these options are also available as inserts on the Start New Inspection form that appears when you begin the report wizard (Start Inspection Wizard on the menu). 

Report Wizard - Forms group: 

Start Inspection Wizard - Opens the inspection Wizard form that will be used to select what sections to include in your report. Writing this will add placeholders to the document to match your selected report order.

Sections - Opens a selected report section.

Mobile - Opens the mobile inspection form so you can select an inspection previously completed on your Pocket PC or Windows Mobile Device.

Resume - Open a dialog to select an unfinished report. This will reload summary information into the program for the unfinished report.

Edit Report group:

Observations Menu

  • Observations - Insert an observation at the cursor point. Use when you have already written the section but want to add an observation from the library.  (Read Inserting Observations into a Document for more information on this topic).
  • Highlight Paragraph - Apply a highlight to the selected paragraph. You will be prompted to select a caption/style. 

Doc Inserts Menu

Edit Document Inserts - Opens a MS Word document templates for editing. The user will be prompted to select a document from the 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Templates\' directory. Other document inserts are marked in the menu.

  • Insert Document - Inserts a MS Word document into the report at the cursor position. The user will be prompted to select a document from the  'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Templates\' directory.
  • Report Cover - Inserts the default report cover into the beginning of the current document usually (' 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Templates\Cover.docx').
  • Insert Photo Page - Inserts a MS Word document into the report at the cursor position, opens dialog to choose document to insert. The user will be prompted to select a document from the 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Templates\' directory.
  • Standard of Practice - Inserts the default Standard of Practice into the current document usually (' 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Standards\Standards.docx') depending on the template used.  The user will be prompted to insert the standards at either the cursor position or at the end of the document unless the 'Insert Standards Here' placeholder was written using the Start New Inspection form.

- Insert Document Parts -

  • Insert Header and Footer - Adds headers and footers to the document according to the defaults set on the tab of the Main Settings form accessed from Settings in the Settings - Data group on the main menu. Defaults can include page numbers, client name, report address, number, date, user-defined comments and an image logo for the header. 
  • Table of Contents - Inserts the table of contents at the cursor position on the document unless the 'Insert Table of Contents Here' placeholder was written using the Start New Inspection form. The font and style for the table of contents are set on the Table of Contents tab of the Font and Styles Settings form accessed from the Settings menu of the Settings - Data group on the main menu. If you wish the table of contents to include the heading numbers for each section, add the heading numbers to the report prior to adding the table of contents.
  • Closing Regards - Adds a closing signature to the inspection report. The Company Name, Company Phone and Inspector Name for the closing signature is set on the Closing Regards tab of the Company Information form accessed from the Settings menu of the Settings - Data group on the main menu. The section is inserted the cursor position on the document unless the 'Insert Closing Regards Here' placeholder was written using the Start New Inspection form.

Update TOC - Updates an existing Table of Contents to include any new headings that have been added to the current inspection report. Also updates the page numbers on the existing Table of Contents. 

Insert Images group:

Quick Photo Drop Form - Loads a form with image thumbnails from your selected directory. You can scroll down your document and add images by clicking the thumbnails while the cursor is the selected paragraph. 

Insert Picture Menu

  • Inline File Image - Adds an inline image to the inspection report. Set defaults will line up rows of two images side by side under comments.
  • Cover File Image - Adds an image to the current report cover of the inspection report. You must first have added the report cover page as the image that you will insert will be centered on the first page of the report. 

- See (Photo) Cross Linked Images -

  • See Photo - Inserts the image to the next available spot on the photo insert pages and the 'See Photo 1' text as a cross-reference link.
  • See Photo Caption - Inserts both the image and the sentence where the cursor is positioned on the document to the next available spot on the photo insert pages and the 'See Photo 1' text as a cross-reference link.
  • Insert Photo Page - Inserts a MS Word document into the report at the cursor position, opens dialog to choose document to insert. The user will be prompted to select a document from the 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Templates\' directory.

Format Image group:

To format or re-format images, first select the image and then the appropriate style button from the group (See Adding Images to the Report for more info).

Wrapped -  Set the selected image to word wrap, re-size, add borders and shadows according to the defaults that are set. 

Inline -  Set the selected image to inline, re-size, add borders and shadows according to the defaults that are set.

Cover -  Set the selected image on the cover page already added to the document, re-size, add borders, shadows and position according to the defaults that are set. 

Annotate Images group:

To annotate images select the image then the appropriate annotation button from the group (See Adding Images to the Report for more info).

Oval - Selecting the Oval tool places an oval on the current selected image. Oval shapes can still be moved and re-sized after being placed.

Rectangle - Selecting the Rectangle button places a rectangle on the current selected image. Rectangle shapes can still be moved and re-sized after being placed.

Textbox - Selecting the Textbox button places a rectangle on the current selected image. Once the textbox has been added, you can add any text you wish by typing directly into the box. To edit this text at any time, simply select the textbox by clicking on it. The textbox can also be resized by dragging the sides or corners of the textbox while it is selected.

Arrows - Selecting one of the Arrow button places an arrow on the current selected image. Arrows can be moved or redirected after placement.

Settings - Data group:

View outlook Calendar - Opens Microsoft Office Outlook (not Outlook Express) to your calendar page.

  • View Last Report Folder - Opens your last saved report folder in Windows Explorer.
  • View Templates Folder - View your templates, standards, worksheets or reports folders in Windows Explorer.


  • Bulk Edit Data Comments - Extract all comments to document for editing and re-saving.
  • Database Backup - Quickly save a copy of your current database to another location (thumbdrive etc.).
  • Import and Export - Import and export comments and setting to and from another computer. Backup settings as well as database here.   
  • Set Data Source - Set the database path to another location or networked computer.

Settings Menu - Menu of the various settings forms and their descriptions.


  • Help - Opens the help file.
  • Activate Software - Opens the activation and registration form.
  • Check for Updates - Checks web site for new versions.
  • About INSPECTEXPRESS - Shows the about screen.

Related Topics:

Inserting Observations
Highlighting Comments and Defects
Using Document Inserts
Adding Images to the Report
Customizing Reports
Main Program Settings