Privacy Policy Statement
DevWave is dedicated to protecting you and your privacy. Please read the privacy statement below.
We can be reached via email at, alternately you can use our on-line contact form or reach us by telephone at (250) 743 1940 Monday thru Friday PST.
We collect only the information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations and e-mail list membership.
The information we collect is used for internal review to improve the content of our Web site, to customize the content and/or layout of pages on our site for individual consumers and to notify consumers about updates to our Products, Services, and or Web site. This information is not shared with other organizations. If you feel your name has been subscribed to a list in error, please contact us at, providing the e-mail address that was incorrectly subscribed and the name of the list it was subscribed to so we can remove your address from our list.