Main Program Settings
INSPECTEXPRESS™ is installed with settings pre-configured to create a report right out of the box. After you get going you may want to change the way the software works by altering these settings. The home inspection software has many configurable settings and forms to control these settings. You can reach the Main Settings form by clicking the Settings button on the Settings - Data group of the toolbar menu.
Full or Partial narrative: Select which style to use for the component descriptions. Using the partial narrative style will create a list with the type of component on the left, the descriptive separator in the middle and the selected description on the right. See Narrative Styles for more information on narrative formats.
Association Disclaimers Help: Select your standards of practice to link the appropriate standards section within the help file for each form section. Click on the '?' icon on each form to open the related section for your standards for quick reference. Check Section Disclaimer Settings for more information on the section disclaimer type.
Observation Numbering: Observations can be automatically numbered for quick reference later by selecting a numbering style.
Auto Save after writing each section: Choose to automatically save the report document as each section is written.
Prompt Place Holder @@@: Prompt to edit the placeholder symbols when writing to the document.
Archive all Edited Comments: Select to automatically archive any edited observations (see Archiving Comments for more info)
Search Forms Insertion Point: Select when using the 'Start New Inspection' form to write the template. If unchecked, report sections always be written where the cursor is placed on the document.
- Table of Contents: Set styles for the Table of Contents (see Styles and Font Settings for more info).
Section Page Breaks: Choose to add page breaks to the report between each report section.
Indent report body: Indent the text in the body of the report by .5 in.
Empty Space Below Heading: Add an extra empty line below report section titles.
Empty Space Below Line: Add an extra empty line below the horizontal lines under report section titles.
Apply headers and footers: Add headers and footers according to the settings selected in the 'Header' section (described below) during report formatting.
Report Number in Gen Info: Write or omit the report number on the general information section of the report.
Insert Section Disclaimers: Include section disclaimers in the report. See Section Disclaimer Settings for more information including section disclaimers.
Separate Summary Settings: Select to default the current template to include a summary document that is printed as a separate document. Also select formatting options for the separate summary document.
Summary Default Settings: Select 'Load Summary Form with Section Summary Info' to have the summary form load only selected observations that are added to the summary from specifically configured check boxes (see Customizing Check Boxes for more info) or observations that are added by clicking the 'Send Comment to Summary' button on the input forms. Select 'Load Summary Form with Section Observations' to have the summary form load all observations in the current report by default.
See Configuring the Summary Report for further information on summary report settings.
Header Footer:
Configures the page header and footers for the report. Select text to automatically appear in the header and footer sections of the MS Word document..
Page Header and Footer Comment: Enter a comment to be printed in the header and footer sections of each page of the report.
Company Logo: Click the 'Browse' button to add your company logo to the header of the report.
Additional font styles for the header and footer are available on the Styles and Font Settings form.
Form Fonts and Size:
Drop down lists on mouse-click: Change the action of the drop-down list boxes so that the selections will automatically appear when you click on the box with the mouse.
Close forms after Write/Next: Closes a form that has been written when moving to the next form. If completed form sections are re-opened, the form will be cleared of the original descriptions and comments selected. Use this setting to keep your program operating at optimum efficiency. (Not available in Word 97).
Form Size and Caption Fonts: Forms can be re-sized to fit your screen resolution and the fonts to be displayed on the forms can be changed.
Additional settings for setting form labels and hiding un-used form controls are available. See Form Editor and Settings for further information.
Configure captions for the sub headings within each section of the report. Leave entries blank for no captions. Subheadings are available for the section disclaimers (see Section Disclaimer Settings for more information on this topic), component description, observations and concluding comment.
Misc Settings:

Temperature: Configure how the temperature is displayed when including the temperature on the General Information form.
Show Material Description Checkboxes: Select in full narrative mode only to include additional pre-configured material descriptions with selected component types.
Use old General Information client detail style: Select in full narrative mode only to have the General Information report section written in a table format.
Related Topics:
Using Report Templates
Using the Summary Report
Form Editor and Settings
Section Disclaimer Settings
Styles and Font Settings
Narrative Styles