Report Features
INSPECTEXPRESS™ is fully integrated with Microsoft Word to provide the highest quality report on the market today. Whether completed on-site or back at the office, a professional and well-presented report is always the end result.
The software is configured to make a superior report right out of the box, but all the default settings can be changed to produce a report that is unique to the individual inspector. Check out our home inspection report samples to see a few of the different styles!
The software provides all the tools needed to complete a report without the complexity of learning MS Word. Our settings automatically format the report with fonts and styles for titles, table of contents, headers and footers, report highlights, footnotes and more!
Report covers and table of contents are just an example of the many templates that can be inserted at any location in the report.
Report covers

- Report covers are available for you to modify with your own company logo and info!
- Make your own design cover or use Microsoft Word to change styles of the supplied covers.
- Covers have auto-fill fields for report details (address, client etc.) you can move and edit.
- Insert cover photo tools let you place an image of the home the same way every time.
- A picture of the subject property can easily replace the logo on the center of the page.
Tables of Contents

- Tables of Contents are created with links and page numbers.
- Configure with a one or two column format.
- Add only main headings or include sub-headings.
- Separate font and color settings if desired.
- Add other document insert headings into the Table of Contents.
- References and links can be maintained even after PDF conversion!
Insert Photos
Inspectors love our photo insert tools that format, position and size images instantly.

- Pre-formatted images can be added to the body of the report directly from a digital camera or from file.
- Set properties for max image height or width, to word-wrap or insert in-line.
- Choose from a wide selection of border and shading options.

- Photo template pages are provided if you prefer to add photos in a group.
- Cross-references to the related comment are added for quick reference.
- A short description from the related comment can be included.
Summary Reports
Summary reports can be created to suit the inspector with our flexible summary options.

- Summary reports can be written as separate documents, placed in the body of the main report or both!
- Separate summary docs print complete with a report cover and table of contents.
- Use our image options to add pictures to the summary too!

- Configure the program to add all selected observations to the summary or select which observations to choose as you go.
- Create related comments to add to the summary for each selected observation.
Full or partial narrative formats
Full or partial narrative formats are available for writing component descriptions. Observations are always narrative.
In partial narrative mode components are described in an easily readable list format.
- Fully editable sub headings and titles let you customize the report to your own style.
- Footnotes can be automatically placed to further describe components.

- Describing components in full narrative mode produces an 'engineering style' report that clients will read thoroughly.
- Select components from lists and dropdowns and the software will string it all together in full narrative sentences.