Image Format Settings
Images that are inserted into the report cover, and directly into selected observations have their own settings for size and position but share border and shadow settings.
Wrapped, Inline and Cover Image Sizes:
Wrapped Images
Wrapped images are inserted directly into the paragraph selected and are aligned to the left or the right of the text. The recommended size for wrapped images is 2.75.
Inline Images
Images that are inserted using the photo insert pages, or anywhere the inspector wishes to place images side by side or above/below the text are inserted 'inline'. The recommended size for inline images 2.50 by width.
Adjust the cover image settings by inserting an image on the report cove and changing settings until positioned and sized where you you want it. You can test your changes by selecting the image on the cover and clicking the Cover button on the Format Image group menu.
Borders & Shadows:
Several border types and colors can be applied automatically when inserting images. The default size is 2.00 pt.
There are many shadow options also available. You can turn the shadows on or off and can adjust transparency, blur, distance, shadow direction and color. Default transparency 35%, blur 5pt, distance 3pt, shadow direction Bottom Right and color black.
Annotate Highlight:
Settings for default width, color and size for the different types of annotations (i.e. arrows, circles and rectangles) are available.
Annotate an image by selecting the image and then the annotation from the Annotate images group.
Related Topics:
Adding Images to the Report
Main Program Settings