Header and Footer Settings

Apply Headers & Footers:  Check to turn on or off the use of headers and footers in the report.

Header Footer Color:  Header and footer text is usually printed in a lighter color than the body of the report. Choose a percentage of gray for all text that is used in the header or footer. 

Header:  Unique fonts and font styles are available for all text appearing in the header of the report.  

Footer:  Unique fonts and font styles are available for all text appearing in the footer of the report.  

Main Settings - Header and Footer: 

The additional settings (below) for the text to be printed on the header and footer are available on the Main Program Settings form.

Client Preface Text:  If using the client name, this text can be configured to preface the name (eg. 'Report Prepared For: ')

Page Header Text:  Select the text to appear on the header of the document pages.   

Page Footer Text:  Select the text to appear on the footer of the document pages.   

Company Logo:  Check the 'Header Image' check box to enable the company logo on the header. Click the 'Browse'  button to add your company logo to the header of the report.

*Note: To remove the INSPECTEXPRESS™ logo, just uncheck the 'Header Image' check box or replace with your logo.

Related Topics:

Main Program Settings 
Font and Style Settings
Company Information