The INSPECTEXPRESS™ License Agreement allows a single inspector to use their version of the software on more than one computer (for example, a computer in the office and a notebook taken on site). If you have customized program settings or saved archived comments, edited check boxes or drop-down boxes etc., these settings can be easily transferred from one computer to the other by following the instructions below.
Backing up your changes is important! Should you suffer a hard drive crash in the future this can prevent losing all your hard work and custom settings.
Export/Import Settings Backup:
The export import backup program is a separate program available so home inspectors can import, export and backup their saved settings and database to another computer.

You can open the program from the windows start menu, select All Programs->Inspect Express V4->Import Export Backup. You can also start the program from inside INSPECTEXPRESS™ by selecting Database->Import and Export from the Settings - Data group menu.
When using the export the program will create a similar directory structure to the install structure located ('C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\'). The registry settings files will be copied to the /settings/ directory.
Directories, Database and Settings Backup
- Templates - Check this to backup all documents in templates directory (report cover etc.).
- Standards - Check this to backup all documents in standards directory.
- Worksheets - Check this to backup all documents in worksheets directory.
- Settings Directory - Check this to backup your database.
- Program Settings - Check this to backup your settings.
Current Templates and Settings - Usually you would only need to export the Default template and the one you are using. These are exported as .reg files and can be merged into your import computer.
Click the Save Backup and Export Database-Settings-Temples button to start the export. Point it to an empty directory on your hard drive, thumbdrive etc.
The settings files copied to the /Settings/ directory ending with the .reg extension can be installed also by just double clicking them on the import computer.
Click the Import Saved Backup and Database-Settings-Temples button to start the import. Point it to your saved export directory on your hard drive, Thumbdrive, CD-Rom etc. You may be prompted to allow changed to made to your registry.
When Importing: INSPECTEXPRESS™ should not be running, only the Import Export Backup program should be running as the files cannot be updated when in use
Quick Database Backup (comments only no settings):
All comments and selection box entries are stored in the 'IX-CommentData.mdb' file located in the 'Settings' directory ('C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Settings\') by default or another location and name set using the set data source form.
To back up or export database comments:
Select Database->Backup Database from the Settings - Data group menu.
Choose the location for the backup file when prompted.
Related Topics:
Bulk Edit Database Comments
Editing Inspection Forms