You can save thousands of observations comments in Inspectexpress. These comments are broken into the report sections forms and further broken down into lists on each form. These lists can be edited, extended, labeled and sorted. Individual observations have a short description that is tied to the long observation comment.
The observation comments are edited by right clicking or double clicking the short description of the comments in the lists. This will open a form to edit the comment that was clicked.
For each comment you will be able to create and edit both a short name and a longer comment that will be written to the re-sort.
You can set any comment to be selected when the form is opened by checking the Set as Default check box.
You can set a separate summary comment to be used for each observation by checking Automatically Send Comment Below to Summary. If the summary comment is empty when checked it will copy the observation comment into the summary comment box or further editing.
You can set comments to be highlighted when written. Click the highlight button to add a highlight to the observation.
Place holders can be used to describe a location, click the @ button to insert a place holder.
You can add images or diagrams to you observation comments. Use the folder button to set the image folder path.
You can edit the labels above each list by right clicking one of the form tabs and finding, selecting and editing the current label in the list (see Editing Forms).
Bulk Editing of Observations:
You can edit all the comments from the report section form by clicking on the Settings or Obs List Order tab and then after the form expands clicking back to the first Edit Observation Default tab. Select the list to edit from the drop down and select the comment to edit by clicking the short descriptions from the list below.
You can bulk edit all the database observations by using the Bulk Edit Database Comments menu item.
Sorting and Re-ordeing Observations
Click the Obs List Order tab to move an observation up or down in a list or from one list to another.
Observations are re-ordered by selecting the list you want to re-order from the drop down and then highlighting your comment and clicking the up or down buttons.
To move an observation from one list to another selecting the lists you wish to edit from the drop downs on both lists and then click one of the Move buttons.
Save any changes and return to the parent form, you will be prompted to reload the parent form with your new changes.
Observation List Settings
You can set the number of comments shown in each list.
Edit the number of items in each list by clicking on the Settings tab and and selecting the list you wish to edit from the drop down. Use the spin button to set the amount for each list. Click save after each change. The default setting is 50 and you can add more but the lower the number the faster the forms will load.
You can customize these lists and move items from one list to another and even set the number of comments shown in each list.
Other section settings changes can be made using Settings tab. You can edit the default section title and section disclaimers from this tab also.
Related Topics:
Bulk Edit Database Comments
Configuring Selection Boxes
Customizing Check Boxes
Editing Inspection Forms