Adding Standards to the Report

INSPECTEXPRESS™ includes common inspection standards that can be added to the report. Please make sure these are up to date with your current SOP before using. Additional standards can also be configured. There are different reporting functions where inspection standards are used. First, a document containing the appropriate standards can be added to the report. Also, standards selected can included 'Purpose and Scope', 'Exclusions and Limitations' and disclaimer comments that can be added to the top and bottom of each report section. 

Adding a 'Standards' document to the report

Standards can be added to the report document by selecting 'File-Standards.docx' from the Included Sections tab of the Start New Inspection or Report Template Editor form, or by selecting Doc Inserts > Insert Standards of Practice from the Edit Report group menu. 

If you wish to use a different standards file than the default that was installed with the software (many others are included with the full installation of the software) select the 'File-Standards.doc' entry from the Included Sections tab of the Start New Inspection or Report Template Editor form and click the 'Browse' button to choose a different standards file from the Inspect Express\Standards directory ('C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Standards\').  

To create your own Standards of Practice file:

  1. Create a Word document of the standards that you wish to use.  

  2. Place this file in the Inspect Express\Standards directory ('C:\Users\Public\Documents\Inspect Express V4\Standards\').  

  3. Change the default setting on the Start New Inspection or Report Template Editor form as described above.

Adding 'Standards' disclaimers to the body of the report

Each section of the report can include top and bottom disclaimer comments that are configured on the Disclaimer Help tab of the Report Template Editor form. To include these comments, ensure the 'Insert Section Disclaimers' check box is selected and select the appropriate 'Disclaimer Type' from the selection box.  The text for the 'Purpose and Scope' and 'Exclusions and Limitations' sections is also included with these disclaimers. To use only the 'Purpose and Scope' and 'Exclusions and Limitations' sections, select those pre-configured choices from the 'Disclaimer Type' selection box.

To edit or add the section disclaimer comments, open the Section Disclaimer form and select the appropriate section from the 'Edit Section Disclaimers' list box on the form. Add or edit the top or bottom comments and click on the 'Apply Settings' button.  Whether or not the individual top or bottom disclaimer for that section is used can be controlled with the 'Use Section Top Disclaimer Comment' and 'Use Section Bottom Disclaimer Comment' check boxes (see Disclaimer Settings for more information on this topic). 

To use your own top and bottom disclaimers instead of the choices shipped with the program, select the 'CUSTOM' entry from the 'Disclaimer Type' selection box and edit the comments as described above.

The headings for the page top and bottom standards comments are set in the 'Top Disclaimer'  and 'Bottom Disclaimer' text boxes on the 'Subheadings' tab of the Main Settings form. 

Linking to the Standards Help File

A helpful feature of the software is the ability to access common reporting standards while working on a report. To link to reporting standards, choose the appropriate standards from the available choices in the 'Link Help Standards' box on the Disclaimer Help tab of the Report Template Editor form. 

To access the standards while working on a report, click the Help icon on the input form (Roof, Heating etc.) that is currently open. The Help file will open to the appropriate information.

Related Topics:

Disclaimer Settings
Report Templates Settings
Main Program Settings
Using Document Inserts