Adding/Editing Report Templates

Default profile settings shipped with INSPECTEXPRESS™ are saved in the 'Default' template and can be modified to the user's preferences. Other templates are also available to use/edit based on a variety of inspection standards (ASHI, NACHI, NAHI etc.) It is possible to also configure additional templates so that default settings for different applications can be created.

Report templates include the following settings:

Create a new template:

To create a new template, open the Report Template Editor form from the main menu/toolbar (Settings->Report Template Editor) or by clicking the 'Edit Templates' button on the Start New Inspection form. Click the 'Create New Template' button to add your new entry. You will be prompted for a name for the new template. Also, you have the choice of starting your new template with either the default template or the currently selected template.

Any program settings that are saved in this template and can be exported/imported individually (see Export-Backup Program Settings for more information).

Select a template for an inspection:

Select Start Inspection Wizard from the main menu/toolbar to start a new inspection. Select the template you wish to use from the 'Select Report Template' selection box. The balance of the inspection will follow the settings saved under the selected template.  

Related Topics:

Report Template Settings
Title Settings
Main Program Settings
Form Settings
Using Document Inserts